Our Services

Members Benefits

One to One

Participation in
Innovative Accelerator

Off The Shelf and Bespoke
Low Carbon Training Programmes

Introduction to
Low Carbon & Renewables

Introduction to
Research Partners

Introduction to
Long & Short Term
Funding Entities

Business Development
Online Platform

Consultancy for
Climate Change,
Carbon Foot printing and Carbon Emissions


The Cube has high level partners in place to deliver world class Pre-Accelerator and Accelerator programmes regardless of where your business is in the start-up eco system. We deliver both tailored and established programmes from ideation and beyond.

The Cube in conjunction with Dublin BIC will host the Enterprise Start 2 (ES2) programme. These workshops will clarify the entrepreneurial journey ahead & whether entrepreneurship is a viable option for you as and your business idea.

Click here to find out more!


The Cube will work with you to understand your market and future goals to link you in with relevant experts that provide invaluable advice and excel your progress.

Foreign Direct Investment

Providing access to skilled personal, research, Greenfield sites and finance,
The Cube will form a landing base for FDI organisations looking to establish a foothold in the Irish and European market


The Cube has an extensive network of potential collaborators established waiting to work with your business or social projects.
This includes Industry experts, Funding Entities, Consultants, Research, Entrepreneurs and Government agencies.